Our Roots

Founded by Veronica Mainetti in 2017 and re-envisioned in 2022, RYSIT gives voice to the viability of sustainable living through a wide array of global business platforms. Our commitment to global consciousness is in the building of a future that is revitalizing the environment today and every day. Our widening roots stretch from New York to Rome and Oslo to Los Angeles, nurturing and nourishing the redevelopment of sustainable ideas into sustainable practice.

As the most curious species inhabiting the Earth, a collective society seeking meaningful relationships in how we live, there is no greater truth connecting us to survival than the very environment in which we exist. RYSIT’s roots will continue to grow in every direction our calling is felt.

Sustainable action is not the goal, it’s the work.

Mamma Nature’s lessons put to task.

RYSIT - The Voice of Sustainability